Wednesday, 14 December 2011

There is no Nazi terror

Sometimes life imitates satire, or something like that.

(Those who don't understand German may still understand the content.  Basically, in the video one can see two men from the "Office to protect the constitution" who are asked about whether Nazi-terror exists.  They say no, having asked Nazis whether it is true.  Therefore the office of "right-wing terrorism" is closed and "real" terrorism is then combated: "left-wing terrorism" and "Islamic terrorism".)

I doch ned ernst gemeint, oda?  Doch schoa.

Following the, *ahem* revelations about Nazi terror in Germany over the past ten years things are sensitive in Germany.  Now's the time for considering how the role of the state in recent Nazi murders should be deal with, and how the media reports were racist, no?


Kristina Schröder has chosen this moment to remind us where the real danger lies.  (Original in German here).  Yes, the socialist newspaper: "New Germany"!

Who else to accuse, but a Protestant Youth Pastor!  Lothar König was one a float the the anti-Nazi demo and did the dangerous thing of playing a traditional left-wing song from the early 70's that has been sung on demos ever since then and has been accused by the Saxony police of inciting to a disturbance of the police.  The song with lyrics (with things like "I've been wounded a thousand times, I've been hungered a thousand times.  [...]  Come brother, come sister, come mother, write the words "No power for anyone!") was considered to be "aggressive" with a potential towards inciting violence.  (Original text here.)

Zeitbild Stiftung's (it has to be noted here that the foundation is sponsored by the German state: The Federal Ministry for Families, Seniors, Women and Youth) website also shows what they consider to be most dangerous.  On the left one sees two links to sites about "extremist violence", both in fact being "left-wing extremism".  One also sees one for "hinder violence, advocate integration"; what is meant there is that it is "Turkish children and youth are the biggest group among immigrants with a very high level of violence".  Note also that this initiative is partly sponsored by the EU.

Excuse me one moment while I take a pause to express my reaction.

Note also that the board of the foundation contains someone from one of the main newspapers of Germany, the president of German marketing federation, someone from German industry and a tax adviser (i.e. all are men with white skin and people who, I would guess, know more about being in a powerful situation than a weaker one in society).  Note also that the symbols considered to be "left-wing extremist" includes: well as the anarchist symbol.  It's like in GB where the police have decided that the Occupy movement are terrorists.

I am beginning to think that Hermann Gremliza is right: There is no "left-wing extremism" and there is no "right-wing extremism".  There are Anarchists who defend themselves from violent people with weapon, there are a few pieces of graffiti on walls and, occasionally, attempts to defend themselves from Nazis (with no help from the police).  There are Nazis who kill immigrants from Senegal and of course Turkey and Greece; who do pogroms against Vietnamese immigrants, who set fire to houses where Romany people live, who scream abuse against people with dark skin on a trains and attacking someone with dark skin on a bus, who spray tear gas into the face of someone of a different "race", set fire to mosques, attack (as politicians) peaceful protesters or the police with pavement stones (from 4:30).

Perhaps Gremliza is right in saying that the term "right-wing extremism" is in fact false as it implies a left-wing equivalent.  Certainly, some left-wingers (and anarchists; not all anarchists are left-wing) do do violent things; largely against people with batons, tear gas, water canons, armour and shields; largely when attacked.  Nazis, however, kill people and their potential victims are a big group.

Perhaps the Munich-based Zeitbild Stiftung should concentrate on the Bavarian police ("the guarantee for your security").  Note the statistics for police violence and how they are much higher than "left-wing acts of violence".  Or perhaps they should look wider at police brutality in the rest of Germany.  I daresay Amnesty International would agree with me.

Thanks to and for their support. 

Keep in touch, either on Facebook or via the RSS Feed on the top right corner.  Soon (probably early next year) I shall write a series on "Taboos and other subjects to piss people off", which will be dead good, I quite humbly tell you.

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